Sunday, August 28, 2011

21 Weeks!

21 Weeks on my 28th Birthday!

19 Weeks...It's a GIRL!!!

20 Weeks!
Chris and I had another ultrasound appointment on Thursday, August 11th at 11:00am.  I was so excited that whole morning at work and couldn't wait to find out what we were having.  The technician took various measurements and pictures.  The baby was on it's stomach so she had to tap my belly and I had to flip over onto my side a few times to get it to move in the correct position.  Finally, she said, "How about a little GIRL?!!"  I looked at Chris and we both smiled.  I said, "Are you sure?  How do you know?"  She explained the black area on the screen and we were thrilled!  We wanted to do something super creative to tell our parents, but got too impatient and just called them that evening.  My mom said that she had guessed right and that she "liked little girls!"  This will be their 3rd granddaughter...4th grandchild.  Chris' parents were excited, as well.  She will be their 1st grandchild.  I was overwhelmed by all the phone calls, text messages, and posts on Facebook from all of our friends and family.  What an exciting day!  Now its time to come up with a name and get the nursery ready!!!